Bad weather

Ayamonte has had nine new positives in the last 24 hours, that coming after 18 yesterday. This week has been mediocre for Ayamonte as has the weather. There have been 54 cases in the last week and a running total of 122 in the last fortnight. It is not good and gives us a rate of 604.8 per 100,000 (population of Ayamonte estimated at 20,883). Sadly, the neighbouring towns are experiencing similar increases like Ayamonte, Lepe rate of 833.09, Cartaya 401.39, Villablanca 352.2, Isla Cristina 270.75. The average for the province is 394.9.

Huelva declared 173 new cases today and there were 12 new hospitalizations, and no new patients have entered intensive care in the last 24 hours. There are currently 18 Covid patients in intensive care in Huelva.

Huelva declared no new deaths in the last 24 hours and the total remains at 103.

There are currently 2,415 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 476 are in intensive care. Here is the current status of the hospitals in each province today Friday 27th November.