
Everybody talks about the crisis and I can’t remember a day when someone hasn’t said something to me about the economic downturn. Lucky for me I am kept busy and haven’t had any real downtime, of course I am working harder for less but I am working, I count myself lucky. I know people who haven’t worked for two to three years and are good workers but there simply isn’t enough work out there for everyone.
A lot of these people have families and mortgages and they have fallen back on their parents who are retired (pensioners) just to put bread on the table. Some things can only stretch so far and that is why people like St Vincent de Paul, Caritas and Red Cross do an exceptional job helping out these needy families. We are not talking about scroungers here we are talking about genuine people who have fallen on hard times.
Now the reason I am telling you this story is because last week one of my Irish clients who wants to remain nameless asked me how the crisis was hitting Ayamonte and rather than just taking it all in, he turned around to me and asked me how he could help out some of these families.
The photo you see at the top of this article is the foodstuffs I bought today in Ayamonte in the name of my client and handed over to St Vincent de Paul. Olive oil, milk, shampoo, bleach, washing powder, orange juice, floor cleaner you name it we packed the trolleys. It’s just gone 7pm and the stuff is already on its way to those who need it.
Thank you for letting me be a part of this gesture, Thanks from St Vincent de Paul and thanks on behalf of the families. You made my month.
Now for those of you who are in Ayamonte this weekend you can donate some foodstuffs at the entrance to Mercadona, it’s a worthy cause and a kilo of sugar or rice is all they need.