Ayamonte Beach

The intensive care units in Andalusia have seen a jump of 110 new patients today alone, Huelva had 11 yesterday and that jumped to 25 today. This is why the Junta de Andalusia activated the plan 9000 earlier this week. Intensive care numbers and deaths are about a week to 10 days behind the confirmed cases numbers.

The President of Andalusia, Juan Moreno pointed out that although we have difficult days ahead, since yesterday Andalusia has more cured patients than deaths. He quickly pointed out that it is too early to say we have reached the peak in Andalusia, but the data is promising with 655 people cured. The President said “In Andalusia we will continue with the policy to anticipate the facts, faithful to the conviction that prevention is better than cure”.

There has been a total of 6,023 new cases declared today and the total confirmed cases is now at 130,759. The number of patients in intensive care is 6,861 and the number of deaths has now reached 12,418. The number of people who have recovered is 38,080.

Meanwhile in Andalusia there are 8,301 confirmed cases of which 4,107 are in hospital and 474 are intensive care. There have been 470 deaths (Malaga 118, Jaen 49, Granada 114, Cordoba 32, Cadiz 31, Seville 93, Almeria 22, Huelva 11). In Seville there are 1,602 cases and 747 of those required hospitalization with 100 in intensive care. There have been 93 deaths while 82 have been cured.

In Andalusia there have been a total of 470 deaths so far. A total 665 patients have now been declared cured.

In Huelva there are 279 cases, this being an increase of 5 new cases today, 140 have been hospitalized with 25 in intensive care and there have been eleven deaths. The good news is 18 have now been declared cured.