With some luck you will not have to visit any of the places listed below during your stay in Ayamonte but just in case.
The first is to see a doctor and that you do in the Centro de Salud ( Medical Centre). Residents will need to register with a doctor and that is done very easily, talk to the people at the front desk just inside the front door to the left.( see map below for exact location)
In the Ayamonte area it is unusual to come across a Doctor who speaks fluent English but this is improving and there are now Doctors in the local health centre who speak enough English to understand and be understood.The Andalucian Council now also have a special teletranslation service available to all non-Spanish speaking patients,simply get the doctor to call 902 505 060 and a translator will act between you and the doctor. It’s a free service.
If you are coming to Spain for a long term stay you will probably have an E.H.I.C. (European Health Insurance Card – the replacement of the E111) and this is valid for approx 3 months, ideally while you are a visitor in the country and not a resident. If you do not have one you can apply online at the Department of Health website.
This will give you free medical treatment through the public health service. Note: If you receive private medical care you will have to pay for this and, in most circumstances, you will not be able to claim the money back when you return to the U.K.
When you receive any medical attention show your E.H.I.C. card to make it clear to the Doctor that you are a E.E.C. citizen with the appropriate papers for free medical care.The E.H.I.C. card lasts for five years so keep a note on when it has to be renewed. If you decide to make Spain your permanent home you should apply for a Spanish Social Security card (Cartilla de la Seguridad Social)
If you have reached retirement age you are entitled to this card. It will cover you and your wife or husband. If you are working in Spain then your employer will fill in all the necessary paperwork and you will receive the card in the post between 4-8 weeks from starting work. Any children under the age of 16 and the husband or wife of the person working will also be entitled to Social Security cover.
If you are self-employed you will also be entitled to cover under the Spanish Social security system.
If you do not plan to work and are not of retirement age then you will have to take out private medical cover.
There is one Medical centre in Ayamonte and if you would like to register with a doctor you should take your certificate from the town hall that states where you live (empadronamiento), your identity card or passport and your social security number. The nearest hospitals are in Huelva, about 45 minutes drive away. If you have to see a specialist then you will probably be sent to one of the two hospitals in Huelva. Hopefully the new hospital will be open soon and that is just outside Lepe and will mean patients will only have to travel 15 minutes.
If you need urgent medical attention call 112, however if you can make it to A&E it is located to the back of the Medical Centre. If possible bring your medical card and your passport with you.
Chemist's / Farmacias
Chemist's in Spain are usually the first port of call for almost all minor ailments, they are equipped with scales, blood pressure machines etc and often will refer you to the medical centre should they see your cold etc. needs more attention. Medicines in general are somewhat cheaper than in Northern European countries and it's not uncommon to see the visiting tourists top up on basic medicines during their visit to Spain. Check the map below to find the nearest Chemist's. There is always one open 24 hours, all you need to do is go to the nearest chemist and check which is on call( on display in the window).