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Published: Thursday, 26 September 2024 18:02
Written by Michael Halligan
Esuri has a new venue as and from this Saturday 28th of September, the Velvet Sunset which gets its name from the fabulous sunset you can see from their ample terrace.
The long-awaited addition to services on Costa Esuri will be open from 9am until close offering breakfast, lunch and dinner from a generous menu in a unique comfortable setting.
Iv and Christian are the owners of this spectacular venue and after seeing the whole bar restaurant and terrace area I have no doubt it will be a huge hit with both locals and visitors alike.
With the very snug tables inside where you can meet up for a coffee and a cake or a cheeky beer with some tapas during the day or simply decide you are not going to cook for the evening and sit back and enjoy. The Velvet Sunset team will try their best to accommodate your food and beverage requirements so just pop in and have a chat with them.
As the name suggests the sunsets from the terrace will be in demand so whether it is sipping on a glass of wine or a gin and tonic with friends, it is quickly going to be an obliged stop on Costa Esuri.
Iv spoke about having daily specials and on a Sunday having a big paella for lunch yet just another reason to pop in. They stock a wide range of bottled beers, wines and spirits and all at very reasonable prices.
We are very excited to open Velvet Sunset and look forward to welcoming you all to try our wide selection of drinks and food offered in an ideal location. This Saturday we are starting with a slow opening, and we will continue to add to what is on offer all year round.
Sunset will be Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to close (Monday staff take a rest) you can contact them via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Published: Monday, 29 November 2021 21:34
Written by Super User
On Wednesday December 1st Portugal will introduce new health regulations which will oblige anyone who enters Portugal via land, air or sea to have a negative Covid test either in PCR or Antigen. The test can be no longer than 48 hours old.
It is not yet clear if cross border workers will be required to present the same test results but what is clear is that simply having a European Covid Certificate is no longer enough. The police can impose a fine from €300 to €800 for anyone failing to comply with the new measures.
The news has seen a surge of people going to Portugal to buy some goods that they want to have over the Christmas period and many Portuguese people came across the border today to do full shops and fill up in the petrol stations.
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Published: Friday, 13 August 2021 15:07
Written by Michael Halligan
The first major heatwave of the summer has started and will be with us over the August bank holiday weekend. Huelva will see the highest temperatures Sunday and Monday (excess of 40ºC). Cordoba, Jaen and Seville are already on a red warning for high temperatures from today and are expecting up to 44ºC.
All the other provinces are on an orange warning with temperatures in high 30’s with some areas breaching 40 (Aracena, Andevalo & Condado).
The temperatures at night may be as high as 27ºC which will make it complicated to have a good night’s sleep as the ideal bedroom temperature is 18ºC.
Emergency Call service number 112 has already increased it number of operatives by 25% to deal with the increase in calls expected over the long weekend.
As always, the recommendations in this type of weather is:
- Drink plenty of liquids and don’t wait to get thirsty to do so.
- Try and keep out of the sun during the hottest hours and where possible stay in the shade and well-ventilated areas.
- No heavy meals, stick to salads, fruits, juices.
- Avoid all intense activities during hottest periods
- Shade, sun cream, light clothes and plenty of water.
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Published: Thursday, 19 November 2020 20:57
Written by Michael Halligan
It seems a long time ago now that we were rejoicing for Huelva being in single digit figures for hospitalizations and nobody in intensive care and nothing would give me more joy to be reporting those type of figures, sadly this COVID-19 virus likes mobility and colder weather.
Today in Huelva 214 new cases were reported and eight new hospitalizations and one more death. There is some good news, there were no new patients for intensive care and 102 have been declared cured.
Ayamonte also had an increase in cases and reported 10 new cases today. Autumn has not been good to Ayamonte when we speak of Covid. There have be a total of 211 confirmed cases in Ayamonte since this pandemic began and 82 alone in the last fortnight. You have to remember that the goal set out by the government is for 25 cases per 100,000 in a 7-day period. Ayamonte has a population almost 21,000 and we have had 45 cases in the last 7 days. So by my maths we are at 214 cases per 100,000. Ayamonte has had one death to Covid and I really hope this number stays this way for the foreseeable future.
Huelva has 16 patients in intensive care. There are currently 3,162 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 525 are in intensive care.
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Published: Wednesday, 18 November 2020 15:45
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 2,821 cases in the last 24 hours, a jump of 932 on yesterday’s figures. Seville with 693 reported the most cases. While Huelva had the lowest on 169 and Almeria next 218.
Sadly, there were 72 more deaths declared today 17 less than yesterday. Huelva declared two new deaths bringing the provincial total to 96. Since the pandemic began in Andalusia there have been 3,445 deaths to Covid.
Huelva today saw numbers increase again from yesterday’s low of 80 to 169 today. Huelva capital continues to have the most new cases with 57 with Lepe next on 15 while Ayamonte had 6, Isla Cristina 4 and Villablanca 1. There were 9 new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 152.
Wednesday 18th November report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has 16 patients in intensive care. There are currently 3,281 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 528 are in intensive care. In terms of occupancy of beds in Andalusian hospitals Covid is taking up 19.6% of all ward beds which is 3.47% higher than the national average. When we look at occupancy of intensive care beds in Andalusia we have 32.06% of the capacity being used by Covid patients which is slightly lower than the national average of 32.31%.
The Junta of Andalusia have announced that there will be 8 new trucks which will travel around Andalusia carrying out on average between 400 to 500 antigen tests a day. These tests are said to have 99% accuracy and the results will be available within 15 minutes. From next week there will be truck for each province, and it will be also have the ability to offer the flu vaccination jab. It will be the health board in each province who decides where the truck will travel to each day to do testing.
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Published: Saturday, 14 November 2020 20:16
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 4,195 cases in the last 24 hours, a decrease of 288 on yesterday’s figures. Seville with 1,092 reported the most cases. While Jaen had the lowest on 292 and Huelva next 297.
Sadly, there were 41 more deaths declared today five less than yesterday. Huelva declared three new deaths bringing the provincial total to 90. Since the pandemic began in Andalusia there have been 3,227 deaths to Covid.
Huelva reported 292 cases today an increase of seven on Friday. There were 8 new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 163.
Huelva has 17 patients in intensive care. There are currently 3,329 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 517 are in intensive care. Almost 80,000 have been cured and Huelva has now broken the two thousand barrier of cured patients.
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Published: Thursday, 12 November 2020 20:53
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 4,737 cases in the last 24 hours, a jump of 1,357 on yesterday’s figures. Seville with 1,320 reported the most cases. While Almeria had the lowest on 303 and Huelva next 374.
Sadly, there were 68 more deaths declared today six more than yesterday. Huelva declared two new deaths bringing the provincial total to 87. Since the pandemic began in Andalusia there have been 3,140 deaths to Covid.
Huelva today with 374 cases broke their peak record yet again in a 24-hour period. There were 18 new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 162.
Huelva has 18 patients in intensive care. There are currently 3,429 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 506 are in intensive care. Ayamonte declared six new cases today and that comes on the back of declaring seven yesterday. The Town Hall has asked people to take extra precaution.
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Published: Thursday, 12 November 2020 19:35
Written by Michael Halligan
This evening Valle Guadiana Links Course course closed due to the current Covid situation. With the municipalities closed, and strict restrictions of mobility enforced throughout Andalusia coupled with very low number of foreign visitors it is understandable that this action had to be taken to preserve the course.
Greenkeepers will remain on the course to keep it maintained so that as soon as the current health situation permits they will be able to reopen the course.
Members have the option of playing the sister course on Isla Canela and hopefully come Spring 2021 they will be able to reopen the course. I would like to wish all the staff the very best and look forward to seeing them back in early 2021.
The photo at the top of the article was taken at 18.00 this evening (12th Nov 2020)
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Published: Wednesday, 11 November 2020 08:31
Written by Michael Halligan
Ayamonte is currently in Phase 4 and Grade 1 according to the Andalusian Ministry For Health and Families. The restrictions have been published in a previous post but I have translated the exceptions to the rule of the 18.00 closing. Please note this is for Ayamonte and all areas in this phase with the exception of Granada which due to higher incidence has more severe restrictions.
Exceptions to the Early Closing 18.00 (Grade 1)
All of Andalusia (Except Granada)
Establishments / Activities Which Do Not Have to Close at 18.00
- Industrial Activity.
- Wholesale trade, including the transport of merchandise.
- Establishments where food, drinks and essential goods are sold.
- Professional services (Lawyers offices, solicitors, notary, consultancies, telephone services, psychology consults, architects’ studios etc).
- Civil servants.
- Housekeepers (Domestic workers).
- Veterinarian clinics or centre.
- Petrol Stations.
- Car rentals and M.O.T
- Home delivery services (including food)
- Soup kitchens and all establishments that hand over or deliver food in a charitable or solidarity manner.
- Funeral parlours.
- The centres and services for the execution of judicial measures and services of criminal mediation for minors as well as family meeting points.
- Emergency Services.
- Investigation Centres.
Establishments with a Special Schedule
- Service areas on the motorway
- Establishments located in airports and stations for people using the services
- Establishments located in hospitals, funeral homes and health centres
- Establishments located in fish markets, markets and similar to provide service to the workers.
Not included in these exception and for that reason they must close at 18.00 : for example: Tobacconists, hairdressers and aesthetic clinics
Establishments / Activities which do not close in Health and Socio-Sanitary Fields
- Social services and socio-sanitary
- Health centres, services, and health establishments (This includes al the medical specialities, Pharmacies, Para pharmacies, Optical Clinics, Orthopaedics etc).
- Early Childhood Care Centres and Outpatient Treatment centres.
Bars & Restaurants that do not close at 18.00
- Restaurants which are in tourist accommodation for exclusive use of the clients.
- Restaurants or canteens which are integrated into health centres, socio-sanitary and social, school diners and the services for social dining centres.
- Other Catering services within schools and the catering services which provide a service to workers in place of work.
- Catering services or vending machines for prepared foods in petrol stations or loading or delivery points.
Sports Practice Permitted from 18.00 to 22.00
- While practicing a federated sport and obeying the respective protocols, in indoor spaces and open-air in the age category from 16 to Adult.
- The sports centres to do outdoor physical activity of a non-federated sport always when this is a non-contact sports and for 16-year olds and over.
Educational Activity Permitted from 18.00 to 22.00
- Education centres and University activity (Training and investigative work)
- Includes all types of teaching like morning classes, professional training centres, Adult education centres, Conservatories, Driving schools, Academies.
- School transport also included.
Can a carpenter’s workshop continue their activity after 18.00?
Yes, as long as they are not open to the public.
Can a mechanic’s workshop continue their activity after 18.00?
Yes, as long as they are not open the public except in emergency situations.
Can the hairdresser offer services after 18.00?
No, as it is a public commercial activity.
Can merchandise transport service continue after 18.00?
Yes , as it is deemed an essential service to supply the commercial establishments.
Can you be served at the bar or put on a buffet?
No, according to the order published on 29th October 2020.
Can I keep my academy or my extracurricular activity centre open after 18.00?
Can I travel to another municipality to view a property I want to buy?
Can I travel to another municipalities for work?
If I have multi-product store, can I sell all my products after 18.00?
No, you can only sell goods deemed essential as per Article 3 and non-essential goods must be cornered off.
If I have a gym do I have to close by 18.00?
Yes, except for federated athletes 16 or over.
And if I have open air padel courts?
Yes, you can stay open after 18.00 for athletes 16 or over.
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Published: Sunday, 08 November 2020 17:16
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 3,755 cases in the last 24 hours, a drop of 1,238on Saturdays’s figures. Granada (1,114) continues to be the province reporting the most cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 191 cases with Almeria next on 273 cases.
Sadly, there were 20 more deaths declared today down from the 55 declared yesteday. Huelva declared three new deaths bringing the provincial total to 73. Since the pandemic began in Andalusia there have been 2,866 deaths to Covid.
Huelva today saw a good reduction to 191 cases in 24-hour period, after Saturday’s peak of 306. There were ten new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 159.
Sunday 2nd November report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has 16 patients in intensive care. There are currently 3,151 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 455 are in intensive care.
The President of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, has announced this afternoon numerous new restrictions that come into place from Midnight Monday.
• All municipalities in Andalusia will have their borders closed (So people in Ayamonte can not leave the municipality unless they a justified reason, likewise no one can come into Ayamonte from other municipalities).
• All non-essential businesses must close by 18.00
• The curfew has been extended and starts at 22.00 and finishes as 07.00.
• Primary and Secondary schools to remain open.
• All third Level education to move online.
The new restrictions will be in place from midnight Monday 9th November and until the 23rd November.
President Juanma Moreno explained that all the curfew imposed two weeks ago has started to give results it is clearly not enough as the Hospitals in Andalusia has exceeded numbers seen in the first wave of this pandemic.
President Moreno warned that there are difficult times ahead as although the common flu has not shown its head yet, it will and a combination with Covid could have fatal consequences. He urged people to get the flu vaccination and said that the health service had acquired 2.3 million doses and had another one million in reserve.
The Junta de Andalusia has also published a Covid map where you can see in what phase each municipality in Andalusia is. You can view here https://www.mapacovid.es/detail/Ayamonte
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Published: Thursday, 05 November 2020 15:46
Written by Michael Halligan
I am always harping on about hospital occupancy and the reason being is it is there that they are saving the lives of the people who have been hit hard with the virus. Yes, our job is to stop people going to hospital at all by wearing masks, washing our hands, and keeping a social distance. Now what would happen if the person who needs a hospital bed or even worse a bed in the intensive care ward cannot get one. That’s the reason we have a curfew and that is the reason why we are more than likely going to see more restrictions come in as hospital numbers increase.
The number of people in Andalusian hospitals has jumped by over a thousand patients in the last 10 days. I think it is time that I explain the hospital situation here in the Province of Huelva.
There are three main hospitals in Huelva Province: Infanta Elena, Juan Ramon Jimenez and Rio Tinto. In the current situation each of these hospitals have set aside beds specifically for Covid19 patients.
- Juan Ramon Jimenez: has been the nominated hospital for Covid patients and has 80 beds on ward and another 8 in intensive care.
- Infanta Elena Hospital: has 25 beds on ward for Covid patients and another 3 in intensive care.
- Riotinto Hospital: has 12 beds on ward for Covid patients and another 4 in intensive care.
So, the total provision was 117 ward beds for Covid19 and another 15 intensive care beds, making a total capacity for 132 patients. As you know the current patient load on the hospitals in Huelva is 138 with 14 in intensive care. The Andalusian Health service activated the plan 4500 yesterday with 3,198 patients now in hospitals in Andalusia and 422 are in ICU.
Huelva normally has 907 hospital beds available at any one time with another 53 in intensive care. Under the Plan 4500 the number of beds available has increased to 1,013 of which 107 are in intensive care. So they have doubled the intensive care capacity as and from today.
We all know that when a province doubles their ICU capacity overnight, they are taking away resources from other areas to cope with the situation. We need to get the numbers down as soon as we can to give the health care workers the ability to do their magic but also to ensure that non-Covid patients continue to receive the care they need.
We are all in this together and only together can we achieve this goal.
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Published: Monday, 02 November 2020 18:36
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 4,406 cases in the last 24 hours, a reduction below the five thousands of previous days. Seville (1,340) and Granada (1,089) continue to be the provinces reporting the most cases. Almeria reported the lowest with 205 cases with Huelva next on 264 cases.
Sadly, there were 34 more deaths declared today. Cordoba (10), Seville (7), Granada (6), Jaen (6), Cadiz (2), Malaga (2) and Almeria (1). Huelva is the only province to declare no deaths today in Andalusia. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,605.
Huelva today had their second highest number of new cases declared in a 24-hour period with 264 cases.
There were three new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 119. Thursday 2nd November report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has 12 patients in intensive care. There are currently 2,764 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 381 are in intensive care.
The President of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, announced an increase of 50 million euros in the Andalusian health system infrastructure which will be added to the 117 million already promised. This is the largest investment in the Andalusian Health care system for a number of years. It comes on the back of the announcement in October of the increase in of 8,037 jobs in the Andalusian Health service of which 621 will be in Huelva.
In Huelva there are currently 61 projects being done to a value of 8.37 million euros and the 3.5 million has been spent on Juan Ramon Jmenez Hospital. One can only hope that the promise made that the hospital on the outskirts of Lepe will be completed and opened by mid 2021.
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Published: Friday, 30 October 2020 08:39
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has a grading of Levels and currently all of Andalusia is either level 2 or above. Ayamonte is at level Three and below are the restrictions for level 3. Please note the rulings for all andalusia also apply, like curfew from 23.00 to 06.00 , Bars and restaurants close by 22.30 etc:
Funeral Homes and Funerals
10 people allowed in the interior and 20 in the exterior
Civil & Religious Ceremonies
50% of the stated capacity
Banquets: 50 people in interior and 75 in the exterior. Maximum 50% capacity.
Environmental Activities
10 people in interior and 15 people in the open air
Hostelry & Restaurants
50% of capacity interior
100% on terraces
Sports Facilities
50% of capacity: 200 people in interior and 500 in exterior
Cinemas, Theatres & Auditoriums
60% capacity 300 people in interior and 500 in exterior.
Congresses & Fairs
60% capacity 300 people in interior and 500 in exterior.
Parks & Gardens
Open to the general public
Maximum 10 people per activity
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Published: Thursday, 29 October 2020 22:25
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 5,202 cases in the last 24 hours, a new record since the pandemic began. Granada (1,382) and Seville (1,220) have reported the most cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 227 cases with Almeria next on 205 cases.
Sadly, there were 31 more deaths declared today. Granada (17), Cadiz (4), Jaen (3), Cordoba (2), Malaga (2) and Seville (1). Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,466.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period with 227 cases beating the last high of 197. There were four new hospitalizations in the last twenty-four hours bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 86.
Thursday 29 th October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seven patients in intensive care. There are currently 2,345 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 296 are in intensive care.
Last night, the President of the Junta de Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, announced the close of borders of Andalusia as of midnight tonight and they will stay closed until November 9th. President Moreno warned that it is more than probable that we surpass the number of hospitalizations seen in the peaks of last April and it will happen in the coming days.
President Juanma Moreno announced various measures to bring the virus under control:
- Close of the borders in Andalusia from Midnight and for the following 10 days. Nobody can enter or exit Andalusia unless it is for a justified reason like for work or due to force majeure.
- Granada, Jaen and Seville which are on level 4 alert have their borders closed and within these provinces the municipal borders are also closed.
- Cordoba South, La Vega de Malaga, Jerez Coast North-East and Sierra de Cadiz also have their borders closed as they are also on level 4 alert.
- Curfew in all of Andalusian from 23.00 to 06.00 and coinciding with this all bars and restaurants must close by 22.30.
- Meeting of people both publicly and in private must be no more than 6 people unless these people live in the same household.
With these actions 448 municipalities more than half of those in Andalusia are now in lockdown which is 4.3 million inhabitants. President Moreno asked the inhabitants of the remaining 337 municipalities where possible not to leave their municipalities unless it is a necessity. The current lockdown will be revised again on November 9th.
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Published: Monday, 26 October 2020 23:09
Written by Michael Halligan
The Ferry in Ayamonte has announced they are temporarily closing their service from November 3rd 2020. The company Transporte Fluvial de Guadiana Sl which has been running this service for the last 30 years have found the current situation with the Covid pandemic unsustainable. The passenger numbers for the ferry are down 75% and the river cruise services trade is non-existent. The income from passenger transit in October has not been enough to cover running costs.
The Company has vowed to return as soon as the Covid situation allows. So it is until later rather than a goodbye. I would like to wish all the workers a speedy return and thank them for the brilliant service they have offered until now and look forward to welcoming them back sooner rather than later. The service is part of the identity of Ayamonte and if you have ever seen the Samouco Band arrive on the ferry to announce the start of the local festival you know exactly what I mean.
With Christmas not so far away, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask people to shop locally and buy from the smaller local shops where possible. Ayamonte has a lot to offer and these small shops need our support more than ever. Together we can get through this and together we will come out the other side stronger. Taking ferry trips, sipping coffee in the square or buying a ice-cream in the corner shop. Now, more than ever, every little action counts and Ayamonte is counting on you.
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Published: Sunday, 25 October 2020 21:08
Written by Michael Halligan

The Spanish Government Cabinet had an emergency meeting this morning Sunday 25th October where they approved that all of Spain is to return to a State of Alarm. It comes after 10 of the 17 autonomous States petitioned the government for the return of the State of alarm which when granted would give them the tools to enforce curfews.
As all of Europe begins to take different measures to reduce the mobility to control the spread of Covid-19, Spain needed the State of Alarm Status to be legally permitted to reduce mobility. This is only the fourth time in the history of the Spanish democracy that a State of alarm has been declared. The most recent cases being when the traffic controllers declared a strike and of course the start of the Covid pandemic.
The President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, in his address to the people of Spain this afternoon said that a reduction of mobility was the most effective way of slowing the spread of the virus and that a curfew would be imposed throughout Spain from 11pm until 6am. The Canary Islands due to their low incidence of Covid are currently exempt to any curfew.
Each Autonomous State will have the ability to adapt the curfew to their needs with the starting time ranging from 21.00 to 00.00 and ending from 05.00 to 07.00. They will also have the ability to restrict the mobility within an individual province or the whole autonomous state should they deem fit. Which means nobody would be able to travel in or out of these areas unless it is for work or health reasons.
President Sanchez also advised that he will be presenting next Tuesday to Congress his intention to have the period of the State of Alarm extended for six months and said it would end on May 9th 2021. Under current Spanish law a State of Alarm can only be granted for 15 days after which it must be presented to the Congress for extension approval.
So from 23.00 tonight there is a curfew in all of Spain. The only reasons you are permitted to be on the street or travelling is for work, medical reasons or taking care of children or elderly.
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Published: Friday, 23 October 2020 17:08
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 3,503 cases in the last 24 hours, a new record since the pandemic began. Seville (864) and Granada (703) have reported the most cases but Jaen is not too far behind with 531 cases.Huelva reported the lowest with 197 cases with Almeria next on 205 cases.
New laws come into action in Andalusia today whereby you are now obliged to wear a mask when doing sport if you cannot maintain social distancing at all times. Also, you must wear mask in bars and restaurants and you are only allowed to lower while eating or drinking. Fines of €100 will be imposed where an infraction is committed.
Sadly, there were 15 more deaths declared today. Five in Seville and Jaen,Two in Cadiz and Almeria and one in Cordoba. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,301.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period for the third day in a row. With 197 cases beating the last high of 178. There was only one new hospitalization in the last twenty-four bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 55. The majority of the new cases are in Huelva city (72), Lepe (19), Cartaya (9), Isla Cristina (2) while Ayamonte had 5 cases.
Friday 23 rd October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation and six of the 55 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,675 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 219 are in intensive care. So a jump of 119 hospitalizations and 18 in intensive care.
In today’s press conference the President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, warned that we will have to impose new measures to control the virus while at the same time trying to keep the impact low on the economy. Mr Sanchez was very clear in outlining that the sole purpose of these restrictions would be to slow or stop the spread of the virus but to be successful the complete collaboration of the general public is needed. Sanchez warned “ the next few weeks, the next few months as we enter winter will be difficult, very difficult, We have flattened the curve before and we can do it again without such a big sacrifice” . The government want to avoid at all cost a complete lockdown with people confined to their homes.
Spain currently has 348 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the state of greatest risk was set down at 250 cases. The goal is to lower the incidence to 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. President Sanchez is convinced that we can lower the incidence “We did it during the first wave , we can do it again”.
Meanwhile some areas of Spain are not waiting for a curfew to be imposed by the central government but have decided to get ahead of the virus and have brought in the curfew already.
- Valencia curfew from 23.00 to 6.00 starting this weekend and until Dec 9th.
- Castilla y Leon curfew from 23.00 to 6.00 starting this weekend.
- Murcia curfew from 23.00 to 6.00 starting this weekend.
- Melilla have asked for the return of the Sate of Emergency so they can declare a curfe.
- Navara is studying to impose a curfew in the coming days.
- Andalusia curfew only in Granada and from 23.00 to 6.00.
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Published: Thursday, 22 October 2020 19:58
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 2,954 cases in the last 24 hours, a drop since yesterday. Seville (799) and Granada (786) have reported over half of all new cases. Almeria reported the lowest with 162 cases with Huelva next on 178 cases.
Sadly, there were 44 more deaths declared today. 12 in Seville, 11 in Granada, six in Malaga, five in Jaen and Cordoba, four in Almeria, one in Cadiz. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,286.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period for the second day in a row. With 178 cases beating the last high of 129. It wasn’t a great twenty-four hours either for hospitalizations as ten more people were hospitalised bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 53.
Thursday 22 nd October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Andalusia currently has an incidence of 301.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, lower than the national average at 332.7 cases. We are currently seeing a spike in the curve and Granada has 907 cases is the most worrying. The cities of Seville, Cordoba and Jaen now must close all bars and restaurants by 10 pm. And it very probable that a curfew from 11pm to 6am will be imposed soon as numbers in all provinces increase. Intensive care bed availability has diminished and currently 48.7% of all Intensive care beds are in use.Covid is currently taking up 17.5% of all intensive care beds but it is important to remember that all the other diseases, illnesses and accidents don’t stop for Covid.
Huelva has seen ten new hospitalisations and five of the 53 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,675 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 201 are in intensive care.
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Published: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 18:49
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 3,442 cases in the last 24 hours, a record since the pandemic began and over one hundred thousand people have now had Covid in Andalusia. Seville (1,089) and Granada (847) have reported over half of all new cases. Almeria reported the lowest with 114 cases with Huelva next on 129 cases.
Sadly, there were 31 more deaths declared today. Eight in Seville, seven in Malaga, Five in Granada, Four in Cadiz, Granada and Jaen, two in Cordoba and Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,242.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period. With 129 cases beating the last high of 90. It wasn’t a great twenty-four hours either for hospitalizations as six more people were hospitalised bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 53.
Wednesday 21st October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen six new hospitalisations and seven of the 53 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,567 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 198 are in intensive care. The increase pressure on hospitals in Andalusia has become more noticeable in the last 5 days.
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Published: Friday, 16 October 2020 20:38
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 2,928 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville (788) and Granada (735) reporting over half of all new cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 90 cases with Almeria next on 112 cases.
Sadly, there were 29 more deaths declared today. Nine in Seville, Five in Granada, Four in Cadiz, three in Huelva, two in Malaga and one in Jaen. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,126.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period. With 90 cases beating the last high of 64. These cases were spread as follows: Huelva city 21, Lepe 12, Almonte 7, Cartaya 6, Isla Cristina 5, Ayamonte and Palma 4, and Bollullos with 3. It wasn’t a great twenty-four hours either for hospitalizations as four more people were hospitalised bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 43.
Friday 16th October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen Four new hospitalisations and five of the 43 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,281 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 171 are in intensive care.
Granada which has seen a big jump in cases with over 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is the first big city in Andalusia to see restrictions imposed. All bars and shops must be closed by 10pm. Public gardens and parks are closed. Indoor sports can only function at 50% of their capacity. Bars and restaurants can only function at 50% of their capacity with a maximum of six people per table interior and exterior. The universities have been closed for two weeks. It is worth noting however that movement within Granada has not been restricted.
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Published: Saturday, 10 October 2020 18:04
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 2,044 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville (547) and Granada (503) reporting over half of all new cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 64 cases with Almeria next on 94 cases.
Sadly, there were 23 more deaths declared today. Eleven in Malaga, six in Seville, three in Granada and one in Cadiz, Cordoba and Jaen. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 2,019.
Huelva today broke their record for the most new cases declared in a 24 hour period. With 64 cases beating the last high of 59. It wasn’t a great twenty-four hours either for hospitalizations as three more people were hospitalised bringing the current number of hospitalized patients in Huelva due to Covid-19 to 39. Almeria is now the province with the lowest number of Covid hospitalizations.
Saturday 10th October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen three new hospitalisations and four of the 39 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,013 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 151 are in intensive care.
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Published: Tuesday, 06 October 2020 21:59
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1,788 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville reporting under a third of all new cases (581), Malaga is next with 241 cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 59 cases with Almeria next on 66 cases.
Sadly, there were 30 more deaths declared today. Eleven in Seville, seven in Jaen, four in Cordoba and two in Granada. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,956.
The Andalusian Ministry of Health and Family have restricted the access to two municipalities in Andalusia. Almodóvar del Rio in Cordoba with a population of just under 8,000 people and Linares with 58,000 inhabitants will have new restrictions imposed.
For the next 10 days both in Linares and Almodovar del Rio movement in or out will only be allowed to visit clinic or health centers, work commitments, legal obligations, attend Schools or Universities, to take care for the elderly, minors and dependents; travel to banks; actions before public, judicial or notarial bodies; renewals of permits and official documentation; and to carry out exams or official tests that cannot be postponed.
Shops and businesses must limit their capacity to 50% and in all cases must close by 10pm. Bars and restaurants will also have to limit their capacity to 50% and maximum of 6 people per table both interior and exterior.
The annual flu vaccination campaign has been brought forward to October 8th for Nursing home residents and health care staff while the main campaign will start on October 14th. The Andalusian health board have purchased 2.3 million does of the vaccine an increase of 69% on previous years.
Tuesday 6th October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen four new hospitalisations and three of the 31 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,075 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 149 are in intensive care.
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Published: Saturday, 03 October 2020 17:16
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1,529 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville reporting over a third of all new cases (520), Jaen is next with 165 cases. Huelva reported the lowest with 46 cases with Almeria next on 94 cases.
Sadly, there were 23 more deaths declared today. Ten in Cordoba, five in Malaga, Four in Seville, two in Cadiz and Jaen. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,906.
Saturday 3rd October report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation and one of the 20 patients is in intensive care. There are currently 998 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 151 are in intensive care.
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Published: Wednesday, 30 September 2020 19:50
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1,071 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville and Granada having the most new cases with 337 and 194, respectively. Cordoba reported the lowest with 37 cases with Huelva next on 41 cases.
Sadly, there were 21 more deaths declared today. Nine in Granada, four in Seville, Three in Cordoba and Malaga, two in Cadiz. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,842.
The cases have almost doubled in Huelva since yesterday with 41 cases. Here are the towns with cases reported in the last 24 hours: La Palma 10, Lepe 7, Gibraleon 4, Ayamonte and Villanueva de Castillejos 3, Isla Cristina 2.
Wednesday 30th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation and none of the 18 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,084 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 151 are in intensive care.
Huelva has seen two new hospitalisations and none of the 13 patients are in intensive care. There are currently 1,023 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 142 are in intensive care.
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Published: Friday, 25 September 2020 16:58
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1,403 cases in the last 24 hours, with Seville and Malaga being the hardest hit 438 and 274, respectively. Huelva reported the lowest with 44 cases with Almeria next on 88 cases.
Sadly, there were 17 more deaths declared today. Four in Malaga, three in Seville and Cordoba, two in Jaen, Cadiz and Granada, One in Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,759.
Today's report from Huelva comes on the back of two deaths from Covid-19 yesterday and is the highest daily report we have seen in the Province. Of the 44 cases the majority are from Huelva capital (13), Bollullos 7, Ayamonte 5, Aljaraque, Moguer and Manzanilla 3.
Wednesday 23rd September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen two new hospitalisations and one of the 11 patients is in intensive care. There are currently 1,017 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 134 are in intensive care.
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Published: Wednesday, 23 September 2020 16:34
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1551 cases in the last 24 hours, with Malaga and Seville being the hardest hit 511 and 405, respectively. Huelva reported the lowest with 35 cases with Almeria next on 60 cases.
Sadly, there were 12 more deaths declared today. Four in Granada, three in Seville and Cordoba, one in Cadiz and Malaga. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,730.
Wednesday 23rd September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen two new hospitalisations and two of the 13 patients continue in intensive care.There are currently 1,019 patients in Andalusian hospitals with Covid-19 of which 136 are in intensive care.
The Minister for Health, Salvador Illa, announced yesterday that quarantine will be reduced from 14 to 10 days for those people who have come in close contact with a positive case. All eyes are on Madrid as they deal with over 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in over 50 neighbourhoods in Madrid. Various restrictions have been enforced and all the other communities are watching to see if these restrictions and not a complete lockdown are enough to bring the outbreaks under control.
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Published: Tuesday, 22 September 2020 16:52
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported a doubling in cases (1,536) in the last 24 hours, with Malaga and Seville being the epicentre of this increase with 545 and 407, respectively. Huelva reported the lowest with 12 cases with Almeria next on 47 cases.
Sadly, there were 12 more deaths declared today. Four in Malaga, three in Seville, two in Cordoba and Cadiz, One in Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,718.
The Andalusian Ministry of Health also reported today on the incidence in the schools as it was one of the major worries for families with school-going kids. The report is up to the 18th of September and states that since schools started back there have been a total of 9 schools closed which is 0.12% of total (7,099 schools).
There have been 168 groups or classrooms which have been closed, which accounts for 0.21% of all classrooms (Total classrooms in Andalusia 78,024). Huelva has had no schools closed but 5 classrooms were closed which accounts for 0.09% of total (5,150). For the moment it seems that the schools are keeping everything under control, long may it last.
Tuesday 21st September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has had no new hospitalisations and two of the eight patients continue in intensive care. Sevilla, Malaga & Cadiz have seen a jump in hospitalisations which was to be expected as they have been reporting the most cases recently. And the number of patients declared cured today almost hits one thousand (976).
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Published: Monday, 21 September 2020 15:24
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 812 cases in the last 24 hours, up slightly on what was declared yesterday. Malaga had the most new cases with 210, followed by Seville with 181. Huelva returned to single digits with the lowest number of new cases at 5 with Cadiz next on 70 cases.
Sadly, there were 14 more deaths declared today. Nine in Malaga, two in Cordoba and one in Almeria, Cadiz and Sevilla. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,706.
Moday 21st September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has had no new hospitalisations and two of the eight patients continue in intensive care.
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Published: Sunday, 20 September 2020 18:32
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 743 cases in the last 24 hours, half of what was declared yesterday. Cordoba had the most new cases with 163, followed by Jaen with 139. Huelva is the lowest with 35 with Cadiz next on 57 cases.
Sadly, there were three more deaths declared today. Two in Malaga and one Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,692.
Sunday 20th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has had no news hospitalisations and two of the six patients continue in intensive care.
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Published: Saturday, 19 September 2020 17:48
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has reported 1,480 cases in the last 24 hours. Malaga continues to have the most new cases with 465, followed by Cordoba with 319. Huelva is the lowest with 29 with Granada next on 79 cases.
Sadly, there were 11 more deaths declared today. Three in Cordoba and Seville, two in Almeria, two in Huelva and one in Malaga. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,689.
Saturday 18th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has three new hospitalisations and two of the six patients are in intensive care.
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Published: Friday, 18 September 2020 21:03
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia reports a new record of 1,617 cases in the last 24 hours. Malaga has reported most of the cases today with 395, followed by Cordoba with 339. Huelva is the lowest with 32 with Jaen next on 118 cases.
Sadly, there were 6 more deaths declared today. Three in Almeria, two in Cordoba and one in Jaen. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,678.
Huelva reported 32 cases today eight less than yesterday. The majority of the cases declared today in Huelva are in the capital (9), followed by five in Bollullos and three in Ayamonte, Nerva and Villalba del Alcor.
Friday 17th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has one new hospitalisation and two of the eight patients are in intensive care.
In Madrid from Monday 21st September 37 zones will have harsher restrictions. It comes after the number of cases in these areas exceeded 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days. The situation will be revised every 14 days Over 850,000 will now have their movement restricted for at least the next 14 days. In these areas you will only be allowed to leave the zones for work, medical appointments, court appointments or to do an exam. Meetings limited to six people both in public and private. All shops, bars and restaurants must close by 22.00. Pharmacies, health centres and petrol stations and all premises that are deemed essential services are exempt.
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Published: Thursday, 17 September 2020 16:20
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia reports a new record of 1,389 cases in the last 24 hours. Malaga has reported most of the cases today with 350, followed by Seville with 328. Huelva is the lowest with 40 with Granada next on 105 cases.
Sadly, there were 25 more deaths declared today. Eleven in Cadiz, six in Malaga, four in Almeria, Two in Granada and one in Seville and Cordoba. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,672.
Huelva with the 40 cases confirmed today reports the worst 24 hours since the pandemic began. There are currently five clusters in Huelva which account for 32 of the most recently reported cases. It is also important to note that there has been an increase in testing and all teachers returning to work have taken a rapid test and where this has given a positive result they have then taken a PCR test. The majority of the cases declared today in Huelva are in the capital (19), followed by seven in Aljaraque and five in Ayamonte.
Thursday 17th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has one new hospitalisation and one of the seven patients is in intensive care. Cadiz, Seville and Malaga are seeing the majority of the hospitalisations.
In other news, I would like to stress that is important to check the source of the information being spread. Please verify information with official sources, be it the Health services or local Police or Town Hall. The rumour of the international bridge closing tomorrow is completely false, it is not closing. Yes, Portugal have introduced stricter measures to bring the virus under control but closing the bridge is not one of them. That is my rant over because I had numerous phone calls and emails from people due to this fake news and people who are travelling to Ayamonte from abroad were worried they would not be able to get here. Infoayamonte will not publish rumour.
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Published: Wednesday, 16 September 2020 17:55
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia reports just under a thousand cases today (915). Malaga has reported most of the cases today with 306, followed by Seville with 224 and Cadiz 145. Huelva is the lowest with 21 with Granada just behind on 24 cases.
Sadly, there were sixteen more deaths declared today. Six in Cadiz, three in Malaga and Seville, two in Cordoba and one in Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,647.
Huelva with the 21 cases confirmed today reaches exactly 1,000 cases since the pandemic began, Jaen is nearest province to Huelva in terms of cases but has over three times more with 3,194. There are ongoing studies to identify why Huelva has such a low incidence compared to other provinces of Andalusia.
Wednesday 16th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen no new hospitalisations and one of the seven patients is in intensive care.In Andalusia a total of 118 people have been hospitalised in the last 24 hours with Malga, Seville and Cadiz having then highest numbers.
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Published: Monday, 14 September 2020 22:09
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia reports less cases today (645). Malaga has reported most of the cases today with 184, followed by Cordoba with 134 and Seville 110. Huelva is the lowest with 22 with Granada just behind on 26 cases.
Sadly, there were six more deaths declared today. Three in Cordoba, two in Granada and one in Almeria. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,609.
As is normal after the weekend, which saw a total of 81 new cases in Huelva, we have been given details of where these positives were declared. Huelva city had 15, Ayamonte and Isla Cristina had 9, Palos 7, Bollullos and Cabeza Rubias 6, Aljaraque – Cartaya – Lepe and Zalamea all with 4, Villablanca 1.
With the schools now returning and testing becoming more widespread, schools in Huelva have found 7 cases. Three of these are from a school in La Redondela, with a total of 8 cases being declared in the village with a communion celebration being the focus of attention.
The Restaurant Meson de Ribera has informed that three of their employees have tested positive after an employee confirmed that one of her family had tested positive and which she later tested positive. The Restaurant have been clear in their actions and although they were closed for three days during the festivals they took it on themselves to close and all twenty workers or people who had been in close contact with a possible positive took the test. Three of the twenty tested positive (of which two are asymptomatic). The restaurant will remain closed until the full quarantine has passed. Personally, I would like to thank them for their honesty and wish a speedy recovery to all.
Monday 14th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation and one of the four patients is in intensive care.
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Published: Saturday, 12 September 2020 18:08
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia continues today with over one thousand cases (1,131). Malaga has reported most of the cases today with 368, followed by Seville with 209 and Almeria 161. Huelva is the lowest with 28 with Jaen just behind on 37 cases.
Sadly, there were 14 more deaths declared today. Five in Seville, four in Malaga and one in Almeria, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva and Jaen. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,603.
The Andalusian Council have purchased a million rapid Covid tests at the cost of 4.5 million euros. These tests which use the latest generation of the Abbott antigen give an exceptionally reliable result after 15 minutes. The Andalusian Minister for Health and Families, Jesus Aguirre, pointed out that these tests are close to 100% in the first 3 days of onset of symptoms and 90% from the fourth day onwards. These tests don’t need to be brought to a laboratory for results and will be used in the clinics, A&E and in nursing homes.
Saturday 12th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen no new hospitalisations and one of the five patients is still in intensive care. It is important to note that although over the last two days with new cases being over a thousand per day we are only seeing a slight increase in hospitalisation.
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Published: Wednesday, 09 September 2020 16:57
Written by Michael Halligan
Andalusia has seen a drop today to 781 cases. Granada has reported most of the cases today with 175, followed by Seville with 150 and Malaga 135.Huelva is the lowest with 32 with Jaen just behind on 42 cases.
The location of today’s positives has been reported with Bollulos and La Plama del Condado both reporting 5 cases while Lepe had 4 and Huelva city had 3. Moguer, Isla Cristina and Escacena del Campo all reported 2. Ayamonte, Trigueros, Villarrasa and Punta Umbria have all reported one new case.
Sadly, there were five more deaths declared today. Three in Almeria, one in Cadiz and Malaga. Bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,566.
Wednesday 9th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation and one of the five patients is in intensive care.
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Published: Monday, 07 September 2020 22:20
Written by Michael Halligan
There has been a slight drop in cases in Andalusia today, 661 cases in total declared today (down 19 on yesterday). Sevilla has reported most of the cases today with 131, followed closely by Malaga with 126 and Almeria 125. Huelva is the lowest with only 7 new cases. After the weekend we get more details from where the 63 positive cases were from over the weekend in Huelva province. Huelva Capital had 11 cases, while Isla Cristina had 10. Ayamonte also had 4 of the cases declared over the weekend.
Sadly, there were nine more deaths declared today. Four in Cadiz, two in Granada, one in Almeria, Malaga and Seville, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,553.
Monday 7th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new hospitalisation over the weekend and one of the three patients is in intensive care.
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Published: Sunday, 06 September 2020 22:00
Written by Michael Halligan
There has been a big drop in cases in Andalusia today, 680 cases in total declared today. Malaga continues to report most of the cases with 153, Cadiz second with 114 cases. Granada for the first time in months has the lowest number of new cases with 26 declared today. Huelva had 32 cases but no new hospitalisations.
These numbers from Huelva bring us back to similar numbers from March 31st however there is a huge difference in what we know now and how we treat and test for Covid. The amount of testing has increased ten-fold and over 50% of all cases are asymptomatic. If we compare to the data published on the 31st March, Huelva had 46 cases and 96 people in hospital with 7 in intensive care and 4 deaths. You can clearly see that due to the fact they are catching cases early and the average age of patient is under 40, means that they pressure on the Health service is substantially lower.
Sadly, there were six more deaths declared today. Two in Cadiz and Almeria, one in Cordoba and Granada, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,544.
Sunday 6th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen a big change in hospitalisations and this time for the good, according to the data published this Sunday there are only two Covid patients in hospital in Huelva and none in Intensive care. Huelva is the only province in Andalusia with no Covid patients in intensive care.
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Published: Saturday, 05 September 2020 18:37
Written by Michael Halligan
For the third day in a row the number of declared positives in Andalusia are over one thousand, 1,030 cases declared today. Malaga continues to report most of the cases with 322, Sevilla second with 180 cases. Jaen for the first time in months have the lowest number of new cases with 18 declared today. Huelva had 24.
Sadly, there were seven more deaths declared today. Three in Malaga, one in Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba and Granada, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,538.
Saturday 5th September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva did not have a good 24 hours with two patients being hospitalised and one moving into the intensive care unit.
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Published: Thursday, 03 September 2020 18:57
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 1,038 a new record in daily reported cases n Andalusia. Malaga reported over 40% of today’s cases with 410, Almeria and Cadiz both report 134 cases. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 13 declared today.
Sadly, there were three more deaths declared today. one in Almeria, Seville and Malaga, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,524.
Thursday 3rd September report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva is the only province with patients in hospital in the single digits (4) and the only province with no Covid19 patients in intensive care. Long may it last.
The hospitals throughout Spain have 6% of their beds occupied by Covid patients and the number of asymptomatic cases being detected is currently running between 40 to 50% of all cases. Madrid is currently the hotspot with 30% of all new cases coming from this area of Spain followed by Catalunya with 13%.
To date their have been 488,513 confirmed cases in Spain and 29,234 deaths.
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Published: Monday, 31 August 2020 17:02
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 592 is the 27 less than yesterday’s numbers. Malaga continues to have the most cases, but Granada is in second with Almeria and Seville following close behind. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 22 declared today.
Sadly, there were five more deaths declared today two in Cadiz, one in Almeria, Cordoba and Malaga, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,508.
Monday 31st August report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has no new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours and one of the four patients in hospital remains in Intensive care.
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Published: Sunday, 30 August 2020 19:07
Written by Michael Halligan
Huelva is currently experiencing the worst forest fire in years. The fire which started near Almonaster de Real last Thursday has now burnt over 10,000 hectacres and due to very dry land and strong winds it has been almost impossible to bring under control.
Over 3,200 people have been evacuated from their homes as over five hundred firefighters battle against this fire. According to Infoca the winds which died down this morning are rising again this afternoon and they currently have 8 planes and 17 helicopters fighting from the air to bring the fire under control. On the ground there are 330 Infoca firefighters, 157 military firefighters and 20 firefighters from local fire stations.
Due to smoke and proximity of the fire, Valverde del camino , Pinos de Valverde and Puerto Blanco have been the lasted populations to be evacuated. And although the fire hasn’t reached these areas these preventative measures have been taken to ensure there is no loss of life.
Heavy machinery has been brought into clear paths and to make controlled fires to stop the spread of the fire to more towns. Various mines in the area have been closed and their explosives moved to a safe location.
The number of positive cases declared today 619 is the 241 less than yesterday’s numbers. Malaga continues to have the most cases while Cadiz is in second with Almeria and Seville following close behind. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 24 declared today but these figures bring us back to what we were seeing in March.
Sadly, there were three more deaths declared today two in Almeria and one in Granada, bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,503.
Sunday 30th August report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has no new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours and one of the four patients in hospital remains in Intensive care.
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Published: Friday, 28 August 2020 18:03
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 909 is the highest daily number declared since the pandemic began. Malaga continues to have the most cases with almost three hundred cases declared today while Almeria has the second most cases with 160. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 18 declared today but these figures bring us back to what we were seeing in March. And although many of the cases are caught early and are asymptomatic, we all need to be careful and wear masks and follow the social distancing rules. According to details published by Huelva Información the positives are Huelva capital 3, Isla Cristina 3, Lepe 5, Palma del Condado 2, Valverde, Moguer, Palos, Paterna del Campo and Aljaraque all with one case each.
Sadly, there were four more deaths declared today two in Almeria, one in Granada, one in Jaen and another in Cordoba bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,495.
Friday 28th August report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has been one new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours and one of the five patients in hospital remains in Intensive care.
With the return to schools in September the Andalusian Council has increased the number of secondary school teachers by 2,150 and 1,864 primary school teachers.The 2020/21 school calendar starts on September 10th. All students 6 years or over will be obliged to wear masks.
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Published: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 21:57
Written by Michael Halligan

The number of positive cases declared today 846, is 217 people more than Tuesday’s figures a considerable jump. Malaga alone has over three hundred cases while Almeria still has the second most cases with 124. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 17 declared today but these figures bring us back to what we were seeing in April. And although many of the cases are caught early and are asymptomatic, we all need to be careful and wear masks and follow the social distancing rules. According to details published by Huelva Informacion the positives are Huelva capital 4, Aljaraque 5, Lepe 3, Zalamea la Real 2, Almonte 2 and Calañas 1.
Sadly, there were four more deaths declared today one in Almeria, one in Granada, one in Jaen and another in Malaga bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,490.
Wednesday 25th August report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen no new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours however one of the four patients in hospital has been moved to Intensive care.
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Published: Tuesday, 25 August 2020 18:29
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 629, is 68 people more than Monday’s figures and this increase may be down to the lag in reporting over the weekend. Malaga and Almeria still have the majority of new cases but Cadiz and Cordoba are catching up. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 6 declared today while every other province is in double or triple figures. One of the new positives is of a parish priest in Aroche, Huelva and this has activated the tracing protocol with over 100 people in Aroche being asked to take the PCR test.
Sadly, there were five more deaths declared today three in Almeria, one in Granada and another in Malaga bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,486. Tuesday 25th August report for all the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen no new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours which is always good news. While the use of hospital beds in Spain is now over 5% in Andalusia it is less than half that at 2.2%.
Today the President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, said that he would not be declaring a state of emergency as Spain starts into the second wave. He did however outline that each autonomous state could activate a state of emergency and that the central government would support all the communities as needed.
President Sanchez outlined the importance of levelling this new curve and said that although the numbers are increasing the population should remain calm while being prudent. He said that each community had the resources at hand to deal with this new surge and he was making two thousand military service people available to help in the tracing of new cases.
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Published: Monday, 24 August 2020 19:28
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 561, is 32 people less than Sunday’s figures. Malaga and Almeria account for over 50 percent of all new cases. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 5 declared today while every other province is in double or triple figures.
Sadly, there were two more deaths declared today one in Almeria and another in Cadiz bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,481.
Monday 24th August report for all of the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen one new patient hospitalised in the last 24 hours bringing the total to 4 however none of those are in intensive care.
Dr Fernando Simon Soria, Director of the Centre for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies for the Ministry of Health has warned that we must learn to live with the virus and the changes that it will bring as there is more and less transmission. He said “there will be cases where we will have to implement stricter measures on the restriction of movement and there will be times where there will be less severe measures.”
Spain currently has the European record for positive Covid19 cases breaking the 400,000 barrier today with total cases now at 405,436 which is almost 10% of the cases in Europe. However, it is important to note that Spain has carried out over 5.8 Million PCR tests to date and the hospitals throughout Spain currently have 5.1% of their beds occupied by Covid19 patients.
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Published: Sunday, 23 August 2020 20:54
Written by Michael Halligan
The number of positive cases declared today 593, is 54 people less than Saturday’s figures. Malaga and Almeria account for almost 50 percent of all new cases. Huelva continues to have the lowest number of new cases with 9 declared today.
Sadly, there were two more deaths declared today one in Almeria and another in Jaen bringing the total since the pandemic began in Andalusia to 1,479.
Sunday 23rd August report for all of the Andalusian Provinces.
Huelva has seen a drop of four people in hospital and now there are only three people in hospital with Covid19 and none of those are in intensive care.
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Published: Saturday, 22 August 2020 15:25
Written by Michael Halligan
Many of my readers followed the InfoAyamonte updates during the first wave of this horrible pandemic and as we see the increase yet again in cases, I have to update the site more often to keep everyone informed of what is going on. As most of the big numbers are already published on all big media outlets the focus for Infoayamonte will be on Andalusia and of course Huelva. That said should any major information come in for the whole of Spain like new laws, restrictions etc I will also publish this information.
The first chart you will see in this new format is of the daily report for all of the Andalusian Provinces
As you can see from the table above the number of cases is increasing steadily in Andalusia and although the increased number of tests being carried out is detecting many asymptomatic cases that previously going undetected the hospitals are beginning to see an increase in patients. Currently about 4% of all cases require hospitalisation which is more than ten times less from what we saw in March, but we need to be vigilant. Below is the chart of the current situation of Covid19 patients in Andalusia hospitals.
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Published: Thursday, 20 August 2020 22:22
Written by Michael Halligan
Todays press conference by Dr Fernando Simon Soria, Director of the Centre for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies for the Ministry of Health outlined that the number of new cases declared today 3,349 was worrying and currently Madrid is responsible for over of a third of the all the cases declared. Spain is currently carrying out over 60,000 PCR a day and Dr Fernando Simon Soria estimates that an extremely high percentage of all cases are now being detected.
The average age of confirmed patients has dropped to 39 for women and 37 for men. However, if they study the date over the last fortnight the average drops even further to 35, a far cry from the average of 62-63 years back in March & April. Also, the percentage of hospitalisation of positive cases has dropped to near 4% which is over a tenfold drop from March & April when it was averaging 55%. The lethality of Covid-19 has dropped to 0.4% but Dr Simon was quick to point out that now they are detecting a lot more pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.
“Let there be no mistake, matters are not going well, there is an important spread of Covid19 and the numbers are increasing daily” was the warning that Dr Simon gave during today’s Conference. Although many of the cases detected are mild if the numbers continue to increase that 4% of hospitalised cases becomes a serious strain on the Health services and there will be more deaths.
Imported Cases
The Ministry for Health have declared 1,371 imported cases since May, a number far below what was expected. A large proportion of the imported cases are people escaping countries in conflict on immigration small boats and these patients are concentrated in Canaries, Murcia and Andalusia.
Cases Increase in Andalusia
Andalusia is also seeing a rise in cases although not as sharp as in other regions of Spain. Today 586 cases were declared in Andalusia with Malaga declaring the most new cases (+143) and Huelva continuing to be at the bottom of the scale with only 3 new cases declared today.