Ayamonte Beach

Ayamonte Town Hall has started the second phase of disinfection of the neighborhoods: Costa Esuri, Punta del Moral, Canela, Pozo del Camino, Villa Antonia, El Banderín, La Villa, Santa Gadea, the town centre and the Industrial estate. Cointer the company responsible for keeping the streets clean is being helped by local businesses Confortservi, Codelsur, Promolook and two private individuals Juan Virella y Joaquín Constantino. It is important to note that both these companies and people are collaborating in an altuistic form in these chores.

There has been a total of 9,222 new cases declared today and the total confirmed cases is now at 94,417. The number of patients in intensive care is 5,607 and the number of deaths has now reached 8,189. The number of people who have recovered is 19,259.

Meanwhile in Andalusia there are 5,818 confirmed cases of which 2,867 are in hospital and 235 are intensive care. There have been 248 deaths (Malaga 70, Jaen 26, Granada 67, Cordoba 15, Cadiz 14, Seville 36, Almeria 16, Huelva 4). In Seville there are 1119 cases and 500 of those required hospitalization with 53 in intensive care. There have been 36 deaths while 17 have been cured.

In Andalusia there have been a total of 248 deaths so far and 483 patients have recovered and 160 of these have now been declared cured.

In Huelva there are 177 cases, this being an increase of 46 new cases today, 96 have been hospitalized with 7 in intensive care. The good news is that nine have been sent home from hospital and two have been confirmed cured.