Ayamonte Beach

Ayamonte Town Hall has published a protocol that must be followed with the residues in Ayamonte during the State of emergency. In homes which are not under quarantine or have a patient declared positive you can recycle your residue as normal. Rubbish should be taken to the bins after 20.00 and any latex gloves must not go into the yellow bins but be deposited into the grey bin with the orange lid.

Should the residue be from a home or patient under quarantined in Ayamonte. You must follow these rules: Normal rubbish bags should be closed properly and deposited in the grey bin with the orange lid. It is forbidden to deposit this rubbish in any other bin or on the road. All residues from a patient including all disposable material should be deposited in plastic bag inside a bin with pedal push lid, no recycling allowed on this material. The bag should be closed properly and inserted in a second rubbish bag next to the exit of the room where the patient is isolated, and any masks or gloves used must be deposited here too. This bag can then be deposited with the domestic waste bag and immediately after you must wash your hands with soap and water for 40-60seconds. All residue must be deposited in the grey bin with the orange lid.

There has been a total of 7,719 new cases declared today and the total confirmed cases is now at 102,136. The number of patients in intensive care is 5,872 and the number of deaths has now reached 9,053. The number of people who have recovered is 22,647.

Meanwhile in Andalusia there are 6,392 confirmed cases of which 3,187 are in hospital and 260 are intensive care. There have been 308 deaths (Malaga 77, Jaen 37, Granada 80, Cordoba 21, Cadiz 17, Seville 55, Almeria 16, Huelva 4). In Seville there are 1215 cases and 536 of those required hospitalization with 57 in intensive care. There have been 55 deaths while 20 have been cured.

In Andalusia there have been a total of 308 deaths so far. A total 182 patients have now been declared cured.

In Huelva there are 195 cases, this being an increase of 18 new cases today, 106 have been hospitalized with 7 in intensive care. The good news is that nine have been sent home from hospital and two have been confirmed cured.

Dr Fernando Simon Soria, Director of the Centre for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies for the Ministry of Health during a press conference today via video link as he was confirmed positive on Monday, said “The data indicates that we are going in the right direction but we will not be able to correctly evaluate until this coming weekend.