Many of our Irish & English readers are well aware of the recent debacle with horsemeat being used in regular supermarket store burgers. With such a wide variety of fresh foods available here in Spain I for one hardly ever buy a beef burger in a supermarket, as for McD or Bking well the odd occasion. That said OCU ( Organizacion de Consumidores y Usarios: a comsumer watchdog organization so to speak) report on hamburgers published yesterday 28th January really opened my eyes.
The OCU tested 20 different brands of burgers from various stores around Spain and you guessed it, horse meat has also made its way into Spanish beef burgers (two out of the twenty contained horse DNA). Burgers have always been suspect as far as I am concerned and although they do eat horse meat in Spain I would prefer to stick to beef, thank you.
The report brought a more worrying fact about burgers to the table, the quality of the meat. Only five out of the twenty had what the OCU would classify as acceptable meat quality, with the majority rating poor or very poor. The main problems of the quality being excess fats, cartilage and tendons and very little meat in the burger contents.
All the above coupled with the excess salt and large amounts of sulphites. The sulphites are not generally a problem but may cause problems when taken by people with asthma or allergies.
Here is the table of the results:
Brand / Supermarket |
Price per Kg/€ |
Meat quailty |
Traces of Horse DNA |
Alipende | 7.34 | Not Published | Yes |
Carrefour | 6.11 | Very Poor | No |
Carrefour Manhattan | 9.35 | Poor | No |
Carrefour Kids | 15.83 | Very Poor | No |
El Corte Inglés | 9.78 | Very Poor | No |
El Pozo Selección | 10.42 | Poor | No |
EMCESA | 7.63 | Not Published | No |
Eroski Basic | 5.88 | Very Poor | Yes |
Granja Los Tilos | 10.23 | Very Poor | No |
Granjero (Coren) | 13.30 | Acceptable | No |
Martinez Loriente (Mercadona) | 6.02 | Poor | No |
Natural Fresh (Lidl) | 5.38 | Poor | No |
Raza Nostra Basic | 13.57 | Acceptable | No |
Raza Nostra Buey Gallego | 21.43 | Very Good | No |
Roler Big Burger | 8.28 | Poor | No |
Roler Clasica | 6.68 | Very Poor | No |
Roler Mickey | 13.93 | Poor | No |
Roler Summum | 12.51 | Very Good | No |
Rustico (Lidl) | 5.71 | Very Poor | No |
Villa del Monte (Alcampo) | 6.45 | Very Poor | No |