With a recent press release from the Town Hall putting the date of the opening of the new waterpark in Ayamonte for 30th June 2015, I felt it was time I explained to all of you the exact location (see photo above) and a little more detail about the park itself.
You will have seen in the local papers the following. The cost of the development of the whole park is estimated at 10 million euros and it will create 171 jobs and it already has a pre-approved grant of 2.36 million euros from the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency (Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA).
The land where the waterpark is to be built belongs to the Fundación Tejada de la Santa Caridad the same foundation that runs the senior residents home in Ayamonte. The sale of this plot to the Russian investor Sergey Atroshensko will be a huge boost to the foundations funds.
The coordinator of the whole project is Gonzalo Cano with his architectural studio in Ayamonte and thanks to Gonzalo for explaining the whole project.
1. Octopus Lane: This will be a six lane twisty-turny slide located at the far left of the park as you enter.
2. Torando Blast: Is a water slide that drops you into at large saucer like structure and spins you around finally dropping you into a centre pool. It is located in the top left hand corner of the park.
3. Boomerang: A double boomerang shaped slide that brings you almost right back to where you started.
4. Hydro-Magnetic rocket: I will just have to record a video of this one when it’s build, but magnets propels you forward in a rocket shaped vessel surrounded by water. I am betting this will be my nephews favourite.
5. Dark Mammoth & Bubba Mammoth: Two serpentine water slides and you guessed it one is completely in the dark.
6. Interactive Pool: This is a shallow pool with lots of rides and games for children.
7. Pipe Line, Bullet Bowl and Topsy Turvy: A number of different water slides which I say will finally quieten my hyperactive nieces and nephews.
Of course there is a beach with a wave pool, right next to the beach bar and numerous restaurants and eateries dotted around the whole complex. Changing rooms and rest areas are also well distributed throughout the water park. Just outside the entereance there will be a large tiered car park with special areas for buses. All I can say is I am really looking forward to seeing the first sod being turned on this project which has been a long time in the pipeline.
Waterpark Plan